Monday, June 23, 2008

Small Things to Bring + email address + music

Thing 1:

Adam and I are in the middle of making phone calls to each and every one of you to make sure all of our travel plans are coordinated and everyone is psyched. If you haven't heard from one of us already, you should be getting a call in the next few days.

In the meantime, if you want to get ahead of the game, here are a few small things that we would like for you to bring:

  • 10 camp ideas


  • a small item that represents your home town or culture that you don't mind trading away

  • good, sturdy shoes for hiking

  • a bowl, cup, and silverwear

  • at LEAST one recipe (each student will be head chef at least twice)

Thing 2:

If you have any questions before the trip leaves, or want to send us something, we now have an official trip email address!

Thing 3:

Reminder that you are NOT allowed to bring ipods, mp3 players, or other personal listening devices with you on the trip. We are putting together a mix playlist, though, so feel free to email a few of your favorite songs to us and we'll add them to the list!


Life in Fitzville said...

Just found your blog... I am sure I should have known about it before, and just spaced out. I am Kaleigh's mom... and we just picked Margaux up at the airport... they are both very excited, and will spend this week getting together the little additions to the list.

Small world, we just read that Adam is from Sudbury... we live in Maynard! I am driving the girls to NYC next week... look forward to meeting you both!

Denise Fitzsimmons
(mom of Kaleigh Mangiarelli)

KelMo said...

Hi Denise!

Great to hear from you. I'm glad that people are viewing/using the blog.

Adam and I will probably be calling to talk to Kaleigh and Margaux later this evening or tomorrow.

